Photos - Back in Africa


January 2012 - After 6 months in the US we are back in Africa! Here are some photos of travel, family life and getting settled in.

Jensen trying to secure her Teddy Bear
before leaving the Omaha airport.
Thank you to friends and family
who came to say goodbye!
Karl's cousin David and his wife Kelly
graciously travelled back with us to assist.
WHAT would we have done without them?
Arriving around midnight in Cape Town. really does take about 6 people
to push carts with all our luggage.
Best view in the house!
My sweet girls
Jensen runs through the sprinkler in our backyard.
Emme plays outside in a tub.
Cousin Dave makes taco salad in Emme's old bath tub
(we did kinda swish it out first)
Taco salad with friends
Jensen loves to play the drum at house church
Shark spotter watches for sharks from the mountain-side





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