Journal - February 2013




Feb 18 – At Baby Safe...we are keeping your Babies Safe

We can’t go into details here...since all Baby Safe client cases are confidential.

Julie was directly involved with removing a child from an unsafe environment and had to appear in court to testify (Karl went with her).

As they say here...that was HECTIC!

At South African courts...

1. You call the judge "Your Worship"
2. There is only one judge that handles all the child related cases in this whole area
3. It's best to be on his good side





February 15 – Karl’s Birthday Bash

We celebrated Karl’s birthday with friends at a toboggan run! Of course! Why wouldn't we?

No snow needed...we just hopped on a “sled thing” and slid down a metal tube. Great fun if you’re 6 or turning 39!

Of course we were a little disturbed that 8 year old children could ride alone (saw a few people fly high into the air...thrown off their toboggan and walk away with some serious "toboggan burn"). African entertainment is not for sissies!

Here is a video someone filmed of going down this very tobogaan run
(by second 22 you do kinda feel like you're about to die)



Feb 12 – Giggly Girls Make Us "Colored Food"

Oh how I love these giggly girls! I have been mentoring these precious teen-age girls from Ocean View for several years now.

This year we get together every Tuesday night and...

1. They make dinner! It’s a pretty great deal. We buy the ingredients and they whip up what they call their "favorite colored food.”

What is "Colored Food" - you ask? ( the proper term is "colored" - hold on to your socks, America).

So far we’ve had baked chicken and potato salad...macaroni and cheese – next on the menu is fish and chips!

2. After our little girls go to bed, I put on a nature sounds album, instruct them to sit back, relax and...

  • Listen to God - We take a few minutes to listen to the Lord. I ask them to close their eyes and listen to what God has to say to them right now. This can be a picture he gives them, a song, a word or an idea. They write down what they feel God is saying to them.
  • Blessings - I read the girls a spiritual blessing (Blessing your Spirit - by Arthur Burk)– speaking God’s destiny and hope to their inner being
  • Fresh Start - The girls are going through a work-book, where they experience the process of becoming free from the effects of offense, hurt, and loss through the transforming power of forgiveness and freedom in Christ.


February 8 - Coerver Coaching comes to Africa




Karl and the coaches at Ubuntu were blessed to have the famous Paul "Gibbo" Gibbons spend 10 days with them.

Paul is a former academy coach at West Bromwich Albion in the UK and more recently the US southeast director of "Coerver Coaching".

He was excited to see the program we are running and offered great feedback on coaching methods and styles.

Paul has an immense heart for Africa and seeing God change the lives of youth through soccer and education.










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