A baby boy was abandoned last week at a police station
in a near-by town and our organization Baby Safe was
called upon to take care of the baby until more permanent
arrangements could be made.
Photo to right: Here is Karl, showing
a Baby Safe "safety family" (the family who
will take care of the baby for several days until he
is placed) his best "Daddy Trick" - how to
turn a car seat into a human baby swing to sooth a crying
infant. Works like magic!
Why do we have Baby Safes?
We have discovered that one of the consequences of
the poverty in South Africa is that new born
babies are literally being thrown away. Baby
Safe was birthed out of the realization that next
to nothing was being done to prevent this. We are
available to intervene with abandoned infants found
anywhere, but we also have an anonymous baby drop
called a "baby safe."
What is a Baby Safe?
The Safe provides an opportunity for a mother to
leave the baby anonymously, while being assured that
proper care will be given to the baby.
Our team of social workers are immediately notified
by Voice Call when a baby is left in the Safe and
a safety backup system confirms that the infant has
been fetched. Read
more about Baby Safe...