Journal - May 2014



May 9 - Soccer Boys Get Real

Today we gathered with 15 leaders from the Ubuntu soccer players and asked them, “Have you ever prayed with a fellow player?”

They all said, “No “ (even through some of them have played together for several years).

We asked, “How many of you are aware that one of your fellow players just found out his sister died?”

Only half of them raised their hands.

We realized that we desperately need a better way to build spiritual community. A community of young leaders that is not afraid to pray for each other – and actually knows the pain and sorrow – big and small – of their fellow players.

A community that can GET REAL.

Spiritual community doesn’t just happen – it takes intentionality. You can live together with someone in the same house and not experience real community. You can play soccer next to someone for years...and never really know them.

To be more strategic about spiritual community, the Ubuntu coaches selected about 15 players who are “spiritually hungry” and taught them how to lead a small group of fellow players. In their small groups, these young leaders will lead a discussion on...
  • What are you thankful for? (this gets right to the heart of what is the good happening in someone else’s life)
  • What do you need? (this question puts the spotlight on our deepest needs – physical, emotional, spiritual)
  • They read some Bible verses together and talk about what they REALLY think (no one is giving them “right answers”)
  • They pick one real change they want to make in their life TODAY
The kids love it! The engage in the discussions, share their hearts and GET REAL with each other. We are so excited to see how God will use this for real change that lasts a life-time.



May 20 - Karl asked to become Fish Hoek's Youth Director of Coaching

Karl was recently asked if he would consider becoming the Youth Director of Coaching for the local soccer club - Fish Hoek (Ubuntu Football is an elite soccer academy that is part of Fish Hoek Soccer Club).

Karl says, "I am excited about this opportunity because it gives me a chance to help them think strategically about the direction of their club and where they want to be in 10 years."

We can...

      • develop excellence in coaching
      • create a curriculum for standardized development throughout the different age groups
      • be a catalyst to change the culture of soccer in South Africa (embracing more modern approaches to player development)




May 22 - Julie Joined the Ocean View Motherhood is Beautiful "Discovery Group"

Julie enjoyed joining the "Motherhood is Beautiful" Discovery Group that Marina leads every week in Ocean View.

Julie shared about the verse in 1 Timothy 5:8 that says "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

Julie went on to tell them how she is working on showing more patience to her children and that she is quick to go to her children (especially Jensen) to ask their forgiveness when she speaks too harshly to them.

The women went around in a circle and shared something they love about each of their children and something that is a challenge for them with that child.

Each woman made a commitment to do one thing better this week to love their children.

The women took the time to ask each other's forgiveness for past wrongs - naming specifically the wrong and saying, "Will you forgive me?" They all chose to forgive each other!

Motherhood is Beautiful!


May 26 - Prison Soccer

Oral Roberts University (ORU) has sent some members of their men’s and women's soccer team to come serve in Africa for a month! It's been amazing watching them serve our community and mentor young soccer players.

Walking to the entrance of the prison (cameras not allowed inside)

Karl says,

"The highlight of my month was going with the ORU team to Drakenstein Prison. This prison has a unique soccer program for the juvenile prisoners. We got to meet them all and hear their stories.

Their soccer program is amazing because it was clear that lives are being changed through soccer and spiritual mentoring by Ambassador in Sports.

You would never guess that these young men had committed such crimes like murder, armed robbery and rape - their lives have been totally transformed through this soccer program. You could see it in their openness to share their hearts, their demeanour and respectfulness. They were joyful and so grateful we came. They couldn't wait to tell us about how God had changed their lives!

The day ended with the ORU team playing against the prisoners next to the maximum security wing - where older prisoners watched from afar.

It was truly an amazing day that touched us all very deeply!"


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