Journal - July 2014



July 29 - The Dinner Club

Do you remember these girls? 

  • 2010 Film Club- When Julie first came to Africa, she launched the “Amazing African Women Film Club” (as an Ocean View High School after-school program for 10th grade girls).
  • 2011 Dance Class - You probably remember the weekly dance class? Julie continued to meet with the same girls...they attended a ballet/hip-hop class and read exciting stories about women in the Bible before each dance class.
  • 2013 and 2014 - The Dinner Club - Last year she started a once-a-week dinner club with these girls that continues now.  They create the meal plan, and come over to our house to cook traditional “colored food” that we enjoy together. 

Julie says, "My favorite part is that after dinner on cold nights, we sit around the fire…sharing what we are thankful for, our needs and discussing Bible stories of their choosing.

It’s been amazing to see these giggling teen-age girls turn into brave, young women who are getting to know a God that deeply loves them."


July 23 - Big Announcement: new tenant arriving

Julie is 16 weeks pregnant


July 10 - Karl Asks Big Questions

Ubuntu Football's mandate is to nurture the next generation of great African leaders and footballers.

Karl's BIG questions are...

How do you spiritually nurture a bunch of teen-age boys? How do you get them to take leadership and start mentoring each other?

It happens both on and off the field!

Karl is passionate about answering these questions and has initiated it happening "on the field" (literally) with the boys participating in weekly "Discovery Bible Studies."

These are "player led" small groups where the boys talk about what they are thankful for, share their needs, pray for each other, discuss a Bible story and decide one thing they want to change about their life (based on the Bible story).'s amazing! Teen-age boys are taking leadership and challenging their fellow teammates to seek God.



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