Journal - October 2010


October 25th - Ocean View Strategic Planning

Karl attended a strategic planning session for Ocean View today!

He is excited about being a part of a co-ed Discovery Bible Study, working with the high school kids, and helping launch the community center.

Karl says, "I love Ocean View and am excited about what God is doing in this community! It's awesome to think about how a new soccer field will positively impact this area and bring hope to kids."



October 15th - Baby Safe Orientation & Training

Meet the "Baby Safe Girls!" This is our team of amazing women who work with women and children in crisis within Ocean View and Masi. We are attending a 2 week training course on crisis counseling.

Baby Safe seeks to rescue the unwanted and abandoned baby, offer support and hope to the pregnant mother in crisis, and empower and equip the new mother in need.

Julie is excited to coordinate their new department for "Women's Business Development and Life Skills."



October 8 - Tacos in Ocean View


This is my dear friend Claudine - trying tacos for the first time!

She has decided that tacos are quite good and is brainstorming about opening up taco stands in Ocean View with a micro-loan.

We are thinking about ways to approach this "Ocean View Taco Business" with a micro-loan to a Discovery Bible Study group (who would manage the business together).

Since you are hard-pressed to find a decent (or even bedraggled) taco in Cape Town...we think it would be fantastic if all the white people had to come to Ocean View for tacos. The truth is, many white people hesitate to step foot in a township.

We think this could be a beautiful way to bring value and empowerment to this amazing community!

Tacos to go, anyone? (Or "take-away tacos?" as they say here).


October 7 - Fresh Start

David Anderson, Karl's cousin, is incredible! He offered to come with us on the plane to Africa and to help get us settled into our life here.

Let's just say we took him up on that! He served our family tirelessly and blessed us in so many ways.

Tip: If you are ever looking into international travel with a 2 year and 4 year old, pray to the Lord you have a cousin willing to weather the 26 hour flight with you, feed puffs to your children at lightning quick speed, and help make it appear that all that luggage isn't yours.

David is also an integral part of a dynamic ministry called Fresh Start. Tonight he held a seminar for All Nations members and friends from the communities.

Lives were touched!

Fresh Start is committed to helping men, women, and young people resolve issues of offense, hurt, and loss through the power of forgiveness - becoming free to be the person you were created to be!



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